Feature requests

  1. Control Panel for Audio Rooms

    Admin interface to make and control audio rooms.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  2. Add Content Collections

    Make the download of multiple content elements at once possible.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  3. Forgot Password Function

    Adding the possibility for journalists to reset their password.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  4. Make video content embeddable

    Make video content embeddable

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  5. Tailormade story output

    Tailormade story output - details to come

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  6. More Feedback on MotionCatcher device

    Improve handling on MotionCatcher by showing direct feedback on the device. e.g. if the request is done already, or if the interview looks good, etc.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  7. Add Access Level also to Bulk Upload

    Make the option for Premium Content (Access Level) available also in Bulk Image Upload.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Pressroom Alert App

    An app for journalists to make sure that any journalist never miss a piece of important content again. Push notifications and a subscription system keep the users in touch with your content.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕


  9. Overall search function

    Add an overall search function to find content.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕#User/Media related 👥


  10. Auto-Tagging at photo upload

    By uploading photos with the mass upload module there should be a function to add 'additional tags' automatically.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕#Admin/Club related 👤


  11. Add content elements in an existing tag

    tag input - it is incredibly time consuming to enter tags. I know there is the "copy last tag" button, but still... a lot of time you have to skip back and forth between tabs just to find the correct tag. It would be great if content elements could also created out of existing tags like shown in the attached screen.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #Improvement 👍#Admin/Club related 👤


  12. One-click publishing of content

    Currently once you uploaded a video you need to go to the admin section, edit the content, untick the "request content" checkbox, click on save and then save & publish - 4 clicks... would it be possible to make it a 1-click action? If you have 4 videos after the game, it takes you 2 minutes to publish them.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #Improvement 👍#MotionCatcher ⚙️


  13. Default values for events (Accreditations)

    It is dreadful to copy & paste the "default answers" always from the last event. Is it possible to somehow copy the "default answers" into more games? or even better - to create accreditation applications in a bulk mode?

    cd mediateam Est.
    #Improvement 👍#Admin/Club related 👤


  14. Improve Accreditation Screen

    Display the date of the event to avoid the need of typing it every single in the title field too.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #Improvement 👍#Admin/Club related 👤


  15. Canva Integration

    Integration of the design platform canva.com to easily create great graphics with the content.

    cd mediateam Est.
    #New Feature 🆕
